Monday, September 24, 2007

Week 2:Dog (s) of the Week

Like peanut butter and jelly, or red wine and anything, these two dogs have to be featured together. Lucy and Mac live at the Joanne and Dave compound, along with pigs, chinese pheasants, hens, a plethora of deer, and a sometimes bear visitor. Their sweet dispositions and playful demeanor are like a magnet to boys of all sizes, Oscar and Clarke included. Lucy is more passive but ready to run around or show off her dead squirrels. Mac, well Mac is "special." He is sort of like the Rain Man of dogs, obsessed with all things ball. You pet him and look at his deep eyes and you can almost hear him thinking, "just throw the damn ball." He is a beautiful giant.

Congratulations Mac and Lucy, you two are the the 46er Family Dogs of the Week

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