Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Difference a Day Makes

6:15 am: wake up
7:00 am: deadline to move car from street parking
7:30 am: breakfast at Galaxy diner
8:00 am: Clarke at school
8:30 am: Oscar at school
8:45 am: Forgot keys at diner
8:50 am: Parking ticket
9:00 am: Boxed into parking space by 2 cop cars and ambulance
9:30 am: Deposit car at long term parking garage 9:45 am: Incoming call for coffee with friends
10:00 am: Taxi to coffee shop.
10:15 am: Same coffee shop. Run into another friend with invitation to dinner party for this weekend
10:15 am: Incoming call to schedule meeting about consulting
11:00 am: Start of errands
11:30 am: Incoming call; request for lunch with former colleague
11:45 am: Incoming call; Clarke invited to play date.
12:00 pm: gulp....i'm not even working yet

1 comment:

PCS said...

Your NYC schedule must make you appreciate our life style in the Adirondacks all the more.