Friday, September 14, 2007

More hilarity

So we just finished dinner at a very Manhattan hour. Joe's gig, which has become my gig this week, has sent our schedule into chaos. Regardless, "hilarity ensued." Everytime, and I mean every time, we have dinner, the boys show their appreciation by doing a dead-on impression of Bill Murray in What About Bob. "Oh Faye.... mmmmm... this hand-shucked corn (or hand plucked chicken, or hand-picked berries, or hand-killed beef, or hand-made pizza). It doesn't really matter the feast, the boys will send themselves into giggling fits EACH AND EVERY NIGHT. If i could find the video, i would of course share it but no can do. But let this be a cautionary tale to those innocents who think 2 boys vs. 1 boy and 1 girl will be the same family dynamic. There was a time that I said with a straight face, "I'm not really into comedies."

OK dinner: Local potatoes from Tucker's Taters (also proprietors of corn maize you will read about soon. Red, purple, and golden with balsamic, mustard sauce. Fresh heirloom tomatoes from Joanne (OK, go on, make me feel like a tomato failure) with fresh basil, fresh corn on the cob, and roasted chicken ( i wish I could say it was one of the local, organic, grass-fed, gently-massaged, yoga practicing, nap-taking, thermarest sleeping, manicured chickens from the Paul Smith's Farmer's Market) but I didn't have enough cash with me at the farmer's market and settled for the abused, half-vulture, chicken at the grocery store.

On yet another digression, the farmer's market at Paul Smith's College is another gem which could almost make me strap myself to the ladder stairs and not return to the city....ever (Linnea, don't read this, You are already in a dangerous place).

1 comment:

Slope Opera said...

ummmmm. ok. Love the sentiment. Kinda wacky. Does the fact that I am getting random, bizarre comments from people I don't know (as opposed to random bizarre comments from my family) mean I have made the big time?