Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Dog of the Week

(A new feature on 46er Family is an idea from the boys to pay tribute to the plethora of dogs that make their way, unaccompanied, into our yard each day. Mostly, we don't know their owners, and often, the boys assign the dogs their own names. )

Today, I'd like to introduce you to "Root Beer" (the rumor is that his real name is Kodiak but to us he's Root Beer). When not jumping in the pond and needing to be rescued because he's too fat and old to get out, he likes eating rotting food in the compost pile, chewing all our wiffle balls, and generally trying to eat the cats. He is also a "stick man" and can spend hours with the boys chasing and chewing. Congratulations Root Beer, You are a 46er Family Dog of the Week!

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