Monday, August 6, 2007

Tough Mountain Chics

So Sunday morning, we sent the men folk off for golf at Saranac Inn and Ann and I decided to go canoeing...with Harlan. Do I even need to continue? We started out great, Harlan was a bit nervous. The echo quality is so good that he was convinced he was surrounded by a pack of coonhounds who kept repeating what he barked. About midway, something made him very jumpy and next thing we knew we were all in the water and the canoe was completely capsized. Harlan was a little shocked and swam back to the capsized boat to get back in but Ann coaxed him to shore (luckily we were not in the middle of the pond at the time). I then gathered our paddles and dry bag in the water, we regrouped at shore, and emptied the canoe. Needless to say, the ride back was a little less leisurely and Ann held tight to Harlan. It was 5 minutes of chaos, and a day of giggling at our adventure.

1 comment:

annie said...

I do not see any pictures on the blog of your dognephew Sebastian. Oversight or SNUB?