Thursday, August 23, 2007

Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner

We were lucky enough to meet up with some good friends from the city who have an annual vacation at Brant Lake in the lower Adirondacks through the University of Michigan Alumni Association. They go to "family camp" at a tony girls camp call Point O Pines (one of those Manhattan kid places that scare the pants off me.)

Anyway, they have 2 boys exactly the same ages as Clarke and Oscar and the boys were just thrilled to see their good buddies. First they came up to the barn, we waterfalled, hung around the barn, and then...we Tailed (I refuse to type out the name of that restaurant again!). Then their boys slept over, and the next morning, I drove everyone back down to Brant Lake for some camp fun. What a great day. Oscar and Clarke played bocci ball, took a tennis lesson, watched a euchre tournament, played some hoops and went to the horse farm to meet the horses. I got some tennis in with Robert, who kicked me around the court. Janet and I hung by the lakefront with our books...but never cracked them open as we chatted the afternoon away. The boys are begging to go back next year already. It's not something Joe and I would naturally plan but it sure was relaxing and fun.

Back home exhausted, I am fighting a bad cold and expect to lay low today. Tomorrow Joe's dad comes and Joe returns from the city for a fun weekend.

1 comment:

Beryl Ament said...

Bridget: a truly "tony" camp would be called "Pointe" O Pines. Take it from someone who knows.

Actually, Pointe au Pines has an even better ring to it.

Say "hi" to big Joe.