Excitement in the Air
Today is the boys' last day of school. Officially, they have a half day tomorrow but I am philosophically opposed to that waste of time. Each year, I plan a surprise outing for them. Years past have included: Fire Island, water parks, speed boat rides, sailboat, rented convertibles. This year I had planned a white water rafting trip but our schedules are a bit curflooey so we are settling for a day at Sandy Hook beach. You jump on a ferry right on the Hudson and it drops you at this amazing beach; you can see the Manhattan skyline but it is clean and lovely. After that, the boys head to NJ to hang with their grandpa and dad for a week while I head to the barn, to ready for the summer. I am just obsessing, laying in bed making my lists: "Need to canoe right away!" "Is black fly season over?" "Which 46er should we tackle?" "Need to learn how to work propane stove for camping." "Need to see if Wednesday trail runs are on at Hovenburg." "Casa Del Sol!" "Are the blueberries ripe" and so on and so on. 2 More Days!
Yay! I bet you're happy to be getting ready! I do the same thing - the pre-planning makes the wait seem better somehow, LOL.
From personal experience last week ...
-I didn't get bit by anything but a mosquito, but they were vicious in the brush and in the woods. It's been really wet but warm. I found that the new powder-whatever Off spray did the trick. (It smells curiously of strawberries. Weird.) No seeums were out in force in the evenings.
-The propane stove is easy, and MUCH hotter than a regular stove. I'm glad I bought the fancy kind. I take the little can off every time I am done. Love the thing though. Boils water in a flash!
-No blueberries yet, at least in the huge patches on the old tracks over by Paul Smith's.
Believe it or not I haven't found the Black flies to be all that bad in our area so far.
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