One Week?
So Saranac Lake, you couldn't wait one week before you started Winter Wonderland 2008-2009 Edition? When I saw the picture of our yard from Wednesday, I literally gasped. Too exciting. The boys and I are heading up next week to get ready for our winter fun. The picture also prompted me to call our trusty neighbor Bill to inquire if he has found any firewood. Anyone know a good source?
For this week, we will enjoy our first Halloween in Brooklyn...yo. I'll try to take some pictures but um...I can't seem to find my camera after my move. Sigh. Not so important as the costumes are pretty uninspired. Clarke rejected my Todd Palin and Bloodied Banker idea and Oscar just wanted The Joker. Each year I get a little less inspired for this damn holiday. I'm waiting for the kids to kind of get over it? Is that wrong? I'll happily move on to the real holidays coming up.