Monday, May 26, 2008

News flash

Hanging out with two 14 year old boys for the weekend is tons of fun. Because they are two 14 year old boys, the weekend did seem to revolve around procuring food items but we managed to weave in lots of other fun. Colin is the cousin who can have fun locked in a closet. He's the cousin who gets along with all. Colin is the cousin who tries to place the exact taste in the tabbouleh that is so yummy. We agree he should live in the city with us, but alas, he must return to the wilds of Pennsylvania but were so glad he was here. The boys had a great time. I even managed to get rid of 20 fresh direct boxes when last night we sent them on a mission, under cover of darkness to bring them into a demo dumpster down the street. They loved the adventure and I cleared my hallway. I call that a win win

Clarke rocked the auditions. Yeah yeah, of course was proud but i feel that's all I've been typing these days so I'll spare you the maudlin details. We find out end of June, but that's almost besides the point, right?

Here's another newsflash. NY tourism is alive and well. Holy cats were the crowds insane. Here are a few pics of our heroes.

Friday, May 23, 2008


There is nothing better than Memorial Day weekend at the barn. I remember last year, spending all weekend in the garden, and cooking out and a morning hike. Just a hint of the wonder that is to come. Alas, this year I am in the city. Clarke has his final audition for Jazz Academy at Lincoln Center and Oscar and his dad decided to head to the barn. There are, as always, a few silver linings here in the urban jungle. My sister and beloved Colin (AKA Boo) are coming into town to celebrate Boo's 14th birthday. I am planning our weekend of fun and frivolity with our teenagers. Too bad we can't hit CBGB anymore! ;-)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Running Errands

NYC style. Started my day at Oscar's Greenwich Village Little League game and luckily had my camera with me as I trounced through lower Manhattan running errands. My favorites were the Free Hug guys in Union Square(who ended up getting harassed by Parks security?!)and the awesome Guatemalan dancers. Enjoy

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Just arrived back from our outing at Accomplice NY. Improv, meets street theater, meets walking tour of some of lower Manhattan. The boys were giddy with the surprises and the characters and the mystery solving. We had a great group and a great time. The boys loved being the NYC experts, helping the group along in finding the right spots.

Happy Mother's Day!

Wishing I were at the barn having breakfast at Blue Moon Cafe, taking a Mother's Day paddle, followed by massage at Balanced Bodyworks. Here in the city, we are heading to brunch at Half King, followed by a crazy adventure called Accomplice. I'll let you read for yourself but it comes highly recommended. We'll take pics.
Imagine an Accomplice ADK. Now that would be an adventure!

Monday, May 5, 2008

From Seeds?

Too late? Can i still start them? Cmon ADK gardeners what to do. If i don't use the seeds this year, I can save them till next, right? I am coming clean with my limited knowledge of this seed world but want to give it a try. a

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Too much!

I just dropped off Clarke at his first bar mitzvah celebration. He had a new outfit, new shoes (he was already limping when I dropped him off -yikes), gel in his hair, and a nervous laugh. He never looked more grown up or handsome. He refused to let me take his picture on the street so I snuck my camera into the taxi and he reluctantly allowed it.
I just couldn't stop looking at him. When did he become this mini man? I want to tell him so much and protect him from so much. I want him to understand what it means to be a man...and what doesn't. I want him to be a person of integrity. I want him to love fully, not as a way to stroke his own ego or prop himself up, but as a way to transcend himself. I want him to face his challenges. I want him to appreciate his life, and not take anything or anyone for granted.

Tonight, I will settle for him just having a great time on his first real teenager night.