Just Regular
This week began what I have now realized is months of "regular": no crazy trips planned, lots of work for both Joe and I, the routine of routine. Joe is working long hours, every day. I am trying to plan and manage my next round of consulting gigs. The boys are knee deep in school and the homework load is at its peak. We will hit the barn for a weekend or two still but then Little League begins and we don't see much of the barn until summer (and NYC schools don't start summer until the end of June!). Our weeks usually revolve around our weekends at the barn, and without that target, we are all a bit scattered and a bit out of our element.
The city is cold with none of the "joys of winter" feel that we have upstate. The street vibe feels more formidable and isolating than usual. Everyone seems a little cranky. We have seen little of our city friends and I know we need to start getting some dinners and play dates on the calendar to reconnect. We need to start some serious budgeting if I want to take the summer off again. The apartment is in need of organizing. You'd think that a big house would take more work but keeping 800 sq. ft. functioning for two adults, two kids, and one business is difficult. The lighting is feeling dark (sidenote: the new energy efficient bulbs don't help. The light casts a really bad hue and I feel like i'm in a school auditorium). It is too cold to escape to Central Park, or Chelsea Piers, or outdoor restaurants, and we are tripping over each other (especially because Clarke and most of the 7th grade appears to be grounded right now ).
The family is collectively hunkering down. All in all, I can feel a sort of melancholy creep. Still, it feels good to embrace the routine and know this is the time to tackle tasks, and jobs, and hurdles, and challenges. And then, my friends, we get back to the business of hiking the 46. I guess when you think about it, these months are pretty good mental prep for climbing. Just keep plugging along, trying to embrace the hurdles and enjoy the journey.